$101k NZCT grant for Gisborne Netball Centre

The New Zealand Community Trust has announced its latest round of grants and some sizeable chunks of money have gone to Tairāwhiti organisations. 

NZCT has awarded grants totalling just over $240,000. 

Gisborne Netball Centre receives the biggest Tairāwhiti grant of just over $101,000 for umpire uniforms, and salaries for the centre’s netball coordinator, youth development officer, game development officer and centre manager. 

Club Surfcity Inc receives $10,000 for travel, Gisborne Girls' High School $22,500 for accommodation costs, the Gisborne International Music Competition $5000, Gisborne Motorcycle Sports Club $15,000 for transponders, Gisborne Youth Sports $30,000 for roof replacement, and Te Hapori Disability $22,000 for a wheelchair eBike. 

The rest of the allocations went to organisations outside the district. 

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