
TE AORERE (AWI) RIDDELL (3.12.1936 - 14.2.2024) Tēnei te mihi nui whakaharahara ki te tini me te mano kua tae ā tinana, ā wairua mai ki te tautoko to mātou whānau i te wā o tōna wehenga atu. Pāpā Awi’s whānau would like to formally acknowledge all the whānau, friends, former colleagues, and community who helped to make his tangihanga such a memorable occasion. There are not enough words to express our gratitude to all of you who were at Te Mahurehure Marae (Pt. Chevalier), Auckland, who represented Tipene and Te Aute, and who supported us at Iritekura Marae, Waipiro, and at Awhi Reinga Urupa, Te Puia. It was humbling to know how many people our Pāpā had helped, influenced, and guided during his lifetime.

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