Grey St now a place to be avoided

Grey St has been degraded from an important, efficient, iconic Gisborne thoroughfare to some kind of Paddy’s Alley — a place now to be avoided. 

A long-standing bus route has been altered because the drivers refuse to use the new, silly, skinny, unsafe traffic lanes. 

How does a tiny minority of head-in-the-clouds types get to turn Grey St inside out? As our rates lurch ever upwards, it’s galling to see them frittered away on poorly thought out, amateurish, dumb projects that have a seriously detrimental impact on the majority. If it ain’t broke, then break it seems to be the guiding principle. 

When our summer visitors return home with their stories of the monstrosity that is Grey St now, we’ll be a national laughing stock. 

E. Matthews 

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