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Clock ticking for Natural Heritage Fund applications

Less than a week remains for those yet to make an application to Gisborne District Council’s 2025 round of the Natural Heritage Fund. 

The application period ends on Tuesday, August 20. 

The fund supports projects on private properties and whenua Māori that enhance the wellbeing of te taiao (the natural environment). 

Its primary goal is to help private landowners to safeguard or improve indigenous biodiversity on their land. 

Biodiversity protection and enhancement were central activities for regional and unitary councils, a district council release said. 

In 2023, the Natural Heritage Fund contributed to 17 projects, allocating more than $600,000 for native planting, pest and weed control and stock exclusion fencing. Notable projects included new deer fencing around an ecologically significant QEII covenanted bush block in Pehiri, the establishment of stoat and feral cat traps in the upper Waioeka catchment, wetland restoration in the Waimatā Valley, and an indigenous planting initiative at Whatatutu. 

Any privately owned land/whenua Māori within the district is eligible for the funding, which is made available instead of rates remissions on a limited number of properties. 

The fund gives recognition and support from the council to the positive contribution landowners make to retaining biodiversity values as guardians/kaitiaki of their land. 

Applications are evaluated based on biodiversity merit and approved within available funds. Applicants can request up to $20,000 per project, with at least half of the total cost coming from an alternative source. 

Contact the council for more information. 

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