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Taradale on top in clash of codes: Intermediate students battle it out in 13 sports

Ilminster Intermediate hosted its Taradale counterparts in their annual winter sports exchange this week and there were some terrific contests between the schools. 

The exchange has been running for more than 20 years and is a favourite on the calendar. 

The schools compete in 13 different codes. The school that wins seven or more games is crowned champions. 

“The event is focused on whakawhanaungatanga and building relationships between students as much as it is on sport,” Ilminster assistant principal Shane Hooks said. 

“Sportspersonship is celebrated and emphasis placed on demonstrating positive values during games for both athletes and supporters. 

“This year’s event was fantastic, with both schools thoroughly enjoying the experience,” Hooks said. 

“Ilminster would like to acknowledge the support of the community. Many community sporting organisations volunteered their time to ref and umpire games. 

“After some very tight battles, the championship shield was awarded to Taradale for 2024. 

“Next year Ilminster will travel to the Hawke’s Bay and look to bring the shield back to Tairāwhiti.” 

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