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Services and trades academies students being put to the test at Māhia

In a historic first, services academies from two schools and EIT Tairawhiti and Hawke’s Bay have combined forces to take on a two-day challenge at Māhia designed to test what they have learned.

Students from Wairoa and Ngata colleges’ services academies and the EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti trades academies are taking part in the EIT School of Trades and Techngology-organised event which started today and continues on Thursday.

EIT Trades and Technology head Todd Rogers said it was an opportunity to test the skills the students had been taught throughout the year.

“The competition consists of groups from each academy tackling a 15-kilometre course carrying army packs, logs and steel bars, and completing tasks along the way such as a carrying an ‘injured’ person up Mokotahi Hill and pushing a vehicle 1km with all their equipment.

“Not only do these activities test the individuals’ skills and fitness, it requires them to work together and back each under extreme conditions,” Rogers said.

“This is the first time an event of this nature combining all academies has been facilitated in our region. Hopefully, we can make it an annual event.”

All courses are supported by New Zealand Defence Force recruiting (Defence Careers) and the NZ Police in Māhia and Gisborne.

“We are looking forward to seeing these youngsters show what they are made of.”

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