Grey St fiddle is unsafe

I am in complete agreement with Jen Brown’s sentiments on the Grey St debacle (July 31 letter). 

While it is true that “progress” is confining youth to concrete jungles to have those learning experiences which we refer to as “play”, the Grey St fiddle is unsafe to youth, businesses, traffic flow and local democracy alike. 

The ideology which teaches our youth that play areas for them can be installed safely on inner-city arteries is nonsensical in itself ... “a hopscotch area” ... Really?! 

Surely if that concept was a recent strut to prop up a project which was seen to be against the general public interest from its conception . . . it fails dismally. 

The photo published alongside Jen Brown’s letter shows very moderate traffic ... perhaps it would have been more probative to show the traffic at a busy time of day. 

This project clearly fails the consultation and safety checks. Probably no point in a referendum, as even when referenda are against such projects, I have seen several local bodies proceed with their wills — on the grounds that there is sufficient support for the council’s wishes to justify proceeding with projects unwanted by the most affected. 

Dennis Pennefather 

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