© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Divisive Treaty Principles Bill: Anything is possible

1 min read

The eight percenter popinjay David Seymour must be well pleased with the progress made so far on his deeply offensive Treaty Principles Bill, despite the fact 91.4% of voters didn’t vote for it. 

Also not voting for it beyond its first reading in Parliament is Prime Minister Christopher Luxon. He says it’s divisive. It’s so divisive for him, he has allowed the bill to go to select committee for a full six months instead of shutting it down in 24 hours as he could have chosen to do. 

The six-month timeframe allows Act and others to mount a massive disinformation campaign on the public.  The point of the campaign will be to build a public majority in favour of a referendum. 

What do Luxon and Winston Peters (who has already hinted that he could change his mind) do then? Oh, it’s the will of the people they will say, democracy in action, therefore we need a referendum. 

Anything is possible with these shysters in charge. 

Bruce Holm 


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Rolly Hay
17 September 2024
Try all you like to make a mountain out of a mole hill, but the coalition are doing exactly what they campaigned on. Have a look at the latest polling and you will find the electorate are unwavering on their support for the coalition parties. Chippie on the other hand...........



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