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Complaints process

The Gisborne Herald is subject to NZ Media Council procedures. A complaint must first be directed in writing within one month of publication by using the form above.

If dissatisfied, the complaint may be sent to the Media Council, PO Box 10-879, The Terrace, Wellington 6143. Or use the online complaint form at www.mediacouncil.org.nz

Include copies of the article and all correspondence with the publication.

Other NZ Media Council requirements:

- Where the circumstances suggest that the complainant may have a legally actionable issue, the complainant will be required to provide a written undertaking not to take or continue proceedings against the publication or journalist concerned.

- The Media Council may consider a third-party complaint from a person who is not personally aggrieved. However, it reserves the right to require the complainant to first seek written consent from the individual who is the subject of the article complained of.

- Publications must not give undue publicity to a complaint until it has been resolved or adjudicated.