Is spending prioritised?

Re: Cameras cause delay — Councillors push for immediate start of Grey St trial, August 1 story. 

“The Streets for People project aims to turn Grey St into what is classified as an ‘activities street’, which would allow for slow traffic and street art, and enable increased cycling and walking.” 

Let’s go forward to the end of the trial from a theoretical perspective. If it is considered to meet its objectives, due to its immense cost over a small area, it must surely be a one-off. If it is considered not to have met its objectives, it would seem far too expensive to restore and will fulfil the expectations of those who consider it a waste of money that could better be used elsewhere. 

Does anyone look at the general situation of our financial position either locally or nationally and decide a bit of belt-tightening is in order? It would appear not. 

Ideology seems to be the driver and this appears to be pursued with zeal and in isolation. 

I find the bold talk of “we hear you” et cetera hard to stomach. 

Surely this can be added to the lengthening list of costly projects of doubtful use we have seen over the years? 

Ron Taylor 

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