Society biggest loser from continued cancellation

When freedom of speech is curtailed, and debate is discouraged, society at large is the biggest loser. Sadly, this practice is very alive and active in NZ society today. Below is a link to an article from someone who came to NZ from an oppressive regime, so they should be well placed to see the signs. It warns of the dangers of the continued cancellation, the labelling of those whose opinion doesn't fit within the popular, and almost always narrow, narrative, and the inevitable decline into a cruel and unforgiving society. Her catchphrase: "you don’t win a debate by suppressing discussion – you win it with a better argument”. https://www.bassettbrashandhide.com/post/samira-taghavi-in-defence-of-debate-what-happens-to-societies-when-dissent-is-crushed 

Iain Boyle 

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