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Forest & Bird at forefront of anti-progress league

1 min read

It always strikes me as humorous that those who identify as progressive and champion all the woke causes that blight society today are resoundingly against everything that has seen Western civilisation develop to where it is. 

These people are anti-progress, anti-freedom of speech, anti-women’s rights, anti-sovereign protection, etc. They pursue their causes with the vigour and ignorance of those who participated in the Salem witch trials. Anyone with a slightly contradictory view is labelled racist, misogynist or many other labels I don’t care to mention. They use labels to shut down debate, simply because these people have no argument to offer other than their ignorance. 

The latest to fall into this trap are Forest & Bird. They should be renamed “constantly finding ways not to do anything”. They are at the forefront of the anti-progress league in this country and have been for many years. 

Their latest gripe is over the fast-track legislation. The irony is their supporters, who no doubt are climate change protesters, should in fact support the fast-track bill if they truly care about the climate. Development of wind and solar farms should be right up their alley. The current consent processes add years to the development time of these installations, meanwhile these climate activists continue to bleat about emissions whilst stopping developments to reduce them. 

Sadly, most media continue to pedal these narrow ideologies, which only serve to muddy the waters at the expense of fact and truth. 

Iain Boyle 

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