T-Lab laboratory workers will be on strike on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after receiving a pay offer they describe as “inflammatory”.
The three-day strike will be followed by an overtime ban (midnight to 8am) for the following seven days.
The strike also affects lab workers in Palmerston North and Whanganui who, like their Gisborne colleagues, are employed by Sonic Healthcare.
A Gisborne APEX (union for allied, scientific and technical employees) delegate and scientist said low-paid colleagues had the same skills and knowledge as Health NZ lab workers, but some were paid the minimum wage. Testing was done at the lab based at Gisborne Hospital, where six scientists out of nine would be on strike.
Union membership had increased 300% recently which showed the strength of feeling among colleagues, the Gisborne delegate said.
APEX advocate Sam Heimsath said the union’s claim was for a genuine cost of living increase, as well as a retention payment to entice workers to “stick it out” with their employer.
There was a 20 to 30% differential between the pay rate of Sonic laboratory workers and Health NZ laboratory workers.