Hobson’s Pledge promotes fear

There have been some very expensive and misleading ads by Hobson’s Pledge in some publications recently. 

Their intention seems to be to stop the need to consult with Māori, as well as trying to block customary marine title. 

Even if Māori had customary title, it’s unlikely that they will stop Kiwis enjoying the beaches and ocean etc because they never have before. Mt Maunganui and the Waikato River are good examples of their sharing and welcoming nature. Most of us wouldn’t have noticed any changes or restrictions to their use. 

If Māori had customary title it’s actually for all of our benefit, as Māori also believe in sustainable management. This could stop the overseas carpetbaggers from stealing our resources without a care for our environment. 

Some of those who could get fast-track approvals for sea bed mining or oil drilling have been denied consent all the way through the courts. Those decisions could be overturned by the stroke of a pen and by just one of three ministers. 

Our current Government seems to kowtow to those I call the #pillagepeople, and the fast-track bill indicates our Government is happy to go against our interests. 

The Hobson’s Pledge ads are there to create racism, fear and uncertainty in people which is not warranted. It worked to persuade many with 3 waters, so now we have huge rates rises we didn’t need to have as our Government has thrown the water issues back to councils. Councils couldn’t afford it in the first place and still can’t, so it comes back on rates bills. 

We need to think carefully before we are too easily persuaded by those who can afford to throw money at full-page ads. I’m pretty sure they don’t do this for the good of the community. 

Mary-Ann de Kort 

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