© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

A ‘do-nothing’ alternative

1 min read

Alternatives for failing health system (Gisborne Herald, Sept 14) makes for sad reading. The medico author Art Nahill informs us he has taken early retirement because he “can no longer bear to patch people up only to discharge them back to the same toxic environments”.  

Nahill offers readers a panacea: “an army of community health workers” to promote health and wellbeing.   

I now wonder what has happened to Plunket Rooms and Salvation Army outposts? Why do rural hospitals no longer attract dedicated health professionals?  

Is it because in those former less “enlightened times”, service or duty ranked ahead of personal advancement and comfort? 

Anyway, I do believe [Health Minister] Dr Shane Reti and his Cabinet colleagues are working towards another solution. An easy do-nothing solution.  

Simply sell the New Zealand health system plus ACC’s multibillion-dollar investments to the shareholders of, say, US healthcare giant AIG. 

The generations now following declining numbers of Baby Boomers can expect to pay for their own health with insurance premiums, thus ridding the Government of a problem and an expense. 

Winston Moreton 

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