Loading zone concern

Recently the Hospice Tairawhiti Shop moved from the old site in Peel St to a building on the corner of Peel St and Gladstone Rd.

I am a keen financial supporter of the work the hospice does and visited the new shop when it opened.

It was a marvellous improvement to the previous store. The only reservation I had, was the lack of parking for those dropping items off.

Recently, I had to do just that and was pleased to see a loading zone in Peel St, which I concluded had been arranged between the Gisborne District Council and the hospice.

I parked there for the few minutes required to offload my small offerings and then away again.

Imagine my surprise to hear of a motorist who later did just what I had done and was given a parking infringement notice as the loading zone is reserved for commercial vehicles only.

Parking on this corner is always tight as it is effectively in the centre of the CBD.

I am asking for the Gisborne Herald or the council to look into this.

The zone bears a sign on a pole that states: “P5 Loading Zone Goods Vehicles Only”.

I can understand the need to protect the site from long-term parking.

However, I think it reasonable that people dropping goods off at the hospice shop would assume that the use of the site was legitimate due to the short-term nature of their occupancy.

Ron Taylor


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