Public service cuts short-sighted, cruel

I’m really worried about our health system collapsing due to short-sightedness. It can’t run effectively and keep those with chronic conditions alive if the staff and money are sucked out of it. Reducing public service staff all over Aotearoa will not provide that, and I believe our Government’s short-sighted cruelty will cost lives. 

If the purpose is privatised services, we need to consider that will cost us all more as private providers expect to make profits and pay their shareholders dividends. All of that extra money and cost will not be spent on public services. 

This is what happened over the last National-Act government, but when Labour increased the public services they were accused of having a bloated public service. Yet services are able to be provided cheaper if there is direct provision. Six years wasn’t enough to fix it, though, and it won’t be next time either after the public service vandals have gutted and privatised what they can. 

The same applies in all other areas of government, eg housing, police, welfare, border control, roading, justice, etc. Again. 

Mary-Ann de Kort 

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