Academic freedom is under threat

In just 24 hours, thousands have signed a public letter calling on Government ministers to take action to address the erosion of academic freedom in our universities. 

It’s clear to Kiwis that academic freedom in New Zealand is under threat. In recent years, both in New Zealand and abroad, we’ve seen the consistent pattern of universities stifling opinions, and individuals feeling unable to speak freely. 

This is antithetical to the function of the university. Universities should be places where knowledge is tested and ideas advance. 

It’s time for the Government to step in. Defending academic freedom and free speech means that the Government must enforce “the rules of the game”; not participate in the contest of ideas itself, but ensure that no one is excluded simply by virtue of the belief they hold. 

In the United Kingdom, Canada, and elsewhere, the Government has intervened to ensure that academics, not universities, have their right to academic freedom protected, and as such are able to perform their role of “critic and conscience of society”. 

We are pleased to support these thousands of Kiwis as they call on the Government to take action to enable a new generation of students and scholars that is free to challenge the universally accepted, consider the unthinkable, and develop new knowledge for the benefit of all Kiwis. 

Jonathan Ayling, Free Speech Union chief executive 

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