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Destruction of Iran’s nuclear capabilities possible

1 min read


From a purely tactical analysis of the positions adopted by the protagonists in the Middle East, while some observers will applaud the apparent reticence by some countries and ‘groups’ involved to escalate their responses, one of the elephants in the room is the future security of Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The possible destruction or even the arrest of Iran’s nuclear capabilities is now being discussed openly by political commentators.

Suppose any aggressor countries use the ‘war’ to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities. In that case, some countries will likely politically express, shock, horror, and condemnation but behind the scenes there will be relief and silent applause, throughout the West, and even from some of the Arab states, which secretly fear Iran being too much of a loose cannon to have any nuclear warfare capability, practically on their doorstep.

As in all things, time will tell.

Dennis Pennefather



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