Grey St now a traffic and people jam

I am getting older and not so spritely. When taking the grandchildren to the skate park or the pump track, I now have to park way the heck down the road or in another street. We then walk twice or more the distance to get them to the pump track, hoping all the way that no one has smashed the one and only seat - as has happened before - or I will be sitting on the ground to watch the children. 

This is not pedestrian-friendly, as far as I can see. 

As for me taking them to the skate park. There is no way Nanny can sit in the car and watch the grandies play, and be available to help when needed, unless I take my canvas chair with me and my first aid kit from the car in a big old bag - another thing or two to lug along with drinks, jackets etc. 

There are so many other nannies and mums with the same problem. 

The council has turned our nice, easy-to-use street into an inner-city traffic jam and people jam. 

I agree with Trish Atkins, it is an accident waiting to happen. 

As for making the silly mistake of driving from the doctor’s down Kahutia St to get home - well, I ended up going to the beach instead. 

So, guess what drivers do when they get trapped? A U-turn is the only answer. 

A Bingham 

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