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Tena Tatou Ko Pohautea te Maunga te Kaitiaki I te Ngutu Awa O Waiapu te Kaitarai I nga Roimata te Maunga Tapu a Hikurangi. Ko Tikapa te Marae Ko Pokai te Whare Ko Pohatu te Wharekai Ko Ngati Pokai te Iwi Tihei Mauri Ora Tenei te tuku Mihi atu kia koutou katoa I tae mai ki te tau Awhi I a matou I te wa o te Tangihana a to tatou Papa Koroua a Te Morehu TeMaro e mohio whanui tia Ko Papa Boyce. Pihopa Don me to Kahui Minita, ta Herewini me nga Ringawera ma ratou te mahi taumaha ki te whangai i a tatou mo te roanga atu a to tatou moho. Kare he kupu o to tatou reo e taea te whakahua I te hohomutunga o to matou aroha kia koutou katoa. Ma te Ahi Ka O Te Marae O Tikapa

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