© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Fast-track backdown not a cave-in, more noise on way

4 min read

Claire Trevett is the New Zealand Herald’s political editor  

Claire Trevett The Government has responded to criticism over the Fast-track Approvals Bill by taking the power to decide which projects are fast-tracked out of ministers’ hands — but it was more a nod to the critics than a cave-in. 

The power for ministers to sign off on the projects was one of the more proble...

1 comment

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Peter Jones
27 August 2024
"Instead, the final decisions will be made by expert panels. While those will be appointed by the Government, they are required to include environmental experts."
I take it that when she speaks of "environmental experts" she refers to the likes of Manu Caddie and Renee Raroa?
Who are they if not the "hysterical hobbits" to whom Shane Jones refers?
Anyone can throw orange dye into a river and make the claim "orange man bad".


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