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It’s called democracy

1 min read

Re: Divisive Treaty Principles Bill: Anything is possible - September 17 letter. 

What is so offensive about the three coalition parties following through with policies they campaigned on? 

Even David Seymour admits the bill has little chance of success beyond the first reading. 

In the meantime the country, via the select committee, will have an in-depth discussion about what is being proposed. What could be fairer than that. 

My guess is that Bruce and his mates prefer that the democratically elected Government operates in the clandestine manner made famous by the Ardern mob. 

At least Seymour’s bill is providing the people an opportunity to have their say. 

Who knows - once they get to know a bit more about the bill, the public may force the naysayers to change their mind and allow it to go to a full referendum. 

How democratic would that be? Actually, that possibility is the thing Bruce and his ilk are really scared of. 

Go figure. 

Clive Bibby 


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Iain Boyle
20 September 2024
Bruce & his fellow Marxists prefer to have their lives run for them, under the delusion that public funding is bottomless & squandering is encouraged. They have little idea how close we really came to bread lines & mass unemployment.

What other govt has openly & actively engineered a recession on their watch? Made worse by their earlier profligate ways.

In a democracy, Seymour's bill would get a respectful hearing. However, at the heart of Marxist doctrine is social unrest & pitting one against another - sadly this level of degeneration has taken root under Ardern.

We need to return to our previous egalitarian ways where there were no classes... even Marx and Engels couldn't argue with that.


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