© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Milk replacement on way, time to adjust farming

1 min read

Precision fermentation as a new industry is due to arrive in 2025. 

Milk made by altering yeast and fermentation will destroy our dairy products industry. Now is the time to alter our farming, before our lands return to customary title in a worthless condition. 

Ian Gaskin, Waikaremoana 


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Simin Williams
10 September 2024
What cows do efficiently by eating grass, precision fermentation tries to do in factories, using huge amounts of energy and a number of machines and technology. Cows do all that from the free energy of the sun.
The end product of precision fermentation, trying to mimic cow’s milk, will never be as good as natural milk.
Precision fermentation has been made possible by huge financial input from Governments and private sectors. It will end up the same way as the lab-grown meat, factory-made food and insect-based proteins. These are buckling one after the other, due to lack of interest from consumers and investors withdrawing their investments, cutting short their losses.
It is truly disgraceful that NZ tax money has been used in such Frankenstein projects both here and overseas, given that the NZ economy is fundamentally agricultural. Even more disturbing is farming organisations like Fonterra, using farmers' money for such research.
If anything, precision fermentation will make NZ natural milk and meat more attractive to overseas consumers wanting natural products. NZ farmers all the time are improving their practices to reduce the impact of farming on their environment. It will be up to farmers to decide what they produce on their land and I am sure they are quite versatile, if demand for natural milk ever falls.


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