© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Nifty farmers navigating uncertainties

1 min read

Re: Feds mark 125 years of service (Gisborne Herald, September 21). 

I love the typo in the subtitle describing the organisation created to “unifty” farmers. We are certainly nifty! 

And no, it hasn’t been easy, but let’s raise a toast to the farmers of New Zealand who have navigated the uncertainties of recent times — and hope they can do so in the future for the benefit of all in New Zealand. Unifties unite! 

Judy Bogaard, A proud NZ farmer 

1 comment

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Peter Jones
25 September 2024
What have farmers got to be proud of?
They have bended and buckled to every attack on farming that is being launched.
Precise fermentation of farming is ongoing.
Farmers are not nifty.
They are very shifty and in no way united.
Private farmers are fast becoming toast.
Soon corporations (dead entities) will be all that is left.
The Feds are like the public service. A Tax.
They serve the Fed and not the farmer.


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