© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Public spaces are there for us all to enjoy

1 min read

I biked past a gauntlet of placards and angry people on Wednesday. It was worth it, however, because then I came across several groups of playing children and picnicking families. Yes — Grey St! 

I absolutely support the right to freedom of expression and protest. I, as vehemently, support the rights of children and young people to play and be part of family life. These young children were not stuck in front of a screen or messing around being bored. 

They were having fun, testing themselves, building their physical skills, and developing their social skills. They were growing into those people we need in our future. How can this be a waste of public money? How can changing a route by several minutes matter more? How can having to slow down when driving matter more? 

I applaud the efforts of the Tairāwhiti Adventure Trust to create these spaces for us all to enjoy — and of the council for ensuring safe access to these spaces. It escapes me why there is so much anger from a few people concerned about a tiny section of one street in the city that has been prioritised as “streets for people”. Wouldn’t it be heartening if the same amount of energy were put into protesting about child poverty, or homelessness, or abuse? 

I just hope my grandchildren never have to go through a crowd of yelling adults before they access the Skate Park and Pump Track. 

For those who are appreciating the new Grey St, and the safety it gives us all to enjoy these facilities, there are many of us with you. 

Jill Chrisp 


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Iain Boyle
9 August 2024
Clearly some live in a parallel universe. Kids & families were enjoying the skate park & pump track long before Grey St was ruined.

I have cycled there several times since "the change" & none were as relaxing nor safe as the original.

As a cyclist, one now has to regularly navigate wayward pedestrians, illegally parked cars, trees in the live lane, concrete humps, & vehicular traffic which, previously was a safe distance away, is now omni-present.

Travelling into town using the pointlessly short cycle lane requires one to cross traffic twice, with the exit demanding the fending off of busy traffic at the Childers Rd circle, in order to manoeuvre back to the LHS of the road.

It's complete bonkers! Like so many decisions made by elected & non-elected officials in recent times, what little can be claimed as positive is overwhelmingly swamped by non-positive attributes, & progress continues to move backward.

It's only a matter of time before there is a serious incident - if there hasn't been one already!


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