© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Road situation deteriorating

1 min read

Re: Totangi Rd in appalling state, July 19 letter. 

I know from personal experience that this kind of neglect was never tolerated when Cook County Council was responsible for maintaining our district’s roading network. 

The main difference back then was CCC’s maintenance people were hands-on and not reliant on computers and academic degrees. Experience was their teacher. 

Granted, Tairāwhiti has had more than its fair share of severe weather in recent times, but the inability of GDC to manage our network has exacerbated the issue. Even simple potholes in town appear to have overwhelmed the GDC roading team — or perhaps they just don’t care. It does appear that they have time on their hands to manage unnecessary street beautification projects, however. 

The situation in Tairāwhiti is deteriorating, with roading infrastructure failing faster than it can be repaired, along with funding, which is likely failing just as quickly. 

Maybe, if the job is too big for our council, it is time for the Government to appoint statutory managers. 

Lance Stopford 

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