© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

RUCs rip-off

1 min read

Road User Charges seem like a rip-off. 

Let’s say it takes 80 litres of fuel to travel 1000km. At the current  45.02 cents a litre, the fuel tax will be $36.016 at 1000km. If you buy 1000km of Road User Charges (RUCs), it will cost  $76 for the same distance — more than double the cost for RUCs. 

This is what we’ve been paying for our small diesel vehicle and it’s a rip-off. Vehicles a lot thirstier than mine will save and small-vehicle owners will be subsidising them. I also don’t understand why it goes up every year. 

Mary-Ann de Kort 


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Iain Boyle
4 September 2024
Who's just been in power for the last 6 yrs?

MBIE latest rates show petrol tax is 77.404c/l ex gst ($71.21). Until recently, if you lived in Akl, it was 87.404c/l ex gst ($80.41).

Labour planned to increase this a further 12c/l.

Since 2020 the cost of diesel has averaged just 75% of the 91 petrol cost.

Armed with the current facts you're not being "ripped off".


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