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Troubled waters: Difference is a good thing

1 min read

How come some people make a big issue of a person’s race, political affiliation or religious beliefs, to name but a few? 

I truly struggle to understand the vitriol meted out between different ethnic, political and religious groups. In the absence of vitriol, does it make a difference? I think it does. 

I’m not for one minute suggesting we whitewash over all grievances, but that we better manage our behaviours and attitudes in spite of these issues. Difference, I believe, is a good thing. It has the potential to stimulate and challenge us in a good way - prerequisites for healthy growth and development at both the individual and organisational levels, 

Why has difference become such a bone of contention? Are there unforeseen forces at play? 

I believe there are. American writer Audrey Lorde penned: “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognise, accept and celebrate those differences.” 

Does that mean it is not the “issue”, but rather an inability to acknowledge and respectfully respond? 

No amount of political manoeuvring, law-making or indoctrination has the power to bring about the required change. 

I think while the inability to respond respectfully towards difference remains, the flames of division will burn uncontrollably. 

Russell Tolley 

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