© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Ben Green joins elite team of national emergency controllers with NEMA

1 min read

The accolades keep coming for the Tairāwhiti Emergency Management Office (TEMO) with news manager Ben Green has been appointed as an alternate national controller for the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). 

It comes on the back of the local organisation winning two top gongs at the Local Government New Zealand Awards. 

Green is one of 11 alternate controllers from around New Zealand who will support the national controller as needed during a major emergency. He will play a key role in determining the shape of the organisation as NEMA works to develop the cohort. 

Green says the appointment underlines the value of the local operation. 

“To be selected from a national pool of people from a number of different professional backgrounds is perhaps an aspirational pinnacle for emergency management professionals.” 

Not bad for “a kid from Te Puia Springs”, he said. 

Green says the rationale for the alternate national controllers is to ensure New Zealand has a trained cohort of individuals who have the competencies and experience that when activated will support a national emergency. This includes the activation of the Alternate National Crisis Management Centre. 

“There is no impact on what is provided to Tairāwhiti as support to a national response will be when we are not impacted or dealing with a regional emergency,” Green says. “If I am activated in this role, New Zealand is having a bad day for something up to and including a catastrophic event.” 

While Green is comfortable in leading during an emergency, he knows it will be quite different to how things have rolled out in Tairāwhiti. 

“It will be significantly different given the national structure and focus for an event. The New Zealand national interests are what matters — which incorporates all regions.” 

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