© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Govt funding of $100,000 appreciated

2 min read

Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery Mark Mitchell announced $100,000 for the Tairāwhiti Mayoral Relief Fund this afternoon. 

It is part of $300,000 total funding for Wairoa, Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti. 

Mayor Rehette Stoltz said the funding was hugely appreciated. 

“It’s been a rough few days for our region. We awoke to the heartbreaking news that three men from our community lost their lives at sea and there is a sombre mood in our region. 

“The severe weather overnight Tuesday has also forced many people from their homes, and there is damage on our roads making access difficult for many. 

“We want to thank you all from across the country for your support and thoughts, it really does mean a lot.” 

Stoltz received a call from Prime Minister Christopher Luxon today and other Government ministers. 

“Thank you for keeping the people of Tairāwhiti in your thoughts.

“We are still determining the damage around the region and where the biggest needs are for our community after receiving around two months of rain overnight.

“I want to thank everyone who moved quickly to respond to this event - Tairāwhiti Emergency Management, Civil Defence volunteers, marae, contractors, first responders and everyone who stepped up to keep people safe.

“We are hoping with the eased rain forecast that we will not see any further problems tonight but please do stay safe and still delay any unnecessary travel as the roads are still fragile with some closures in place.”

The Gladstone Rd bridge was opened again at about 4pm after being closed since midday for the clearance of woody debris under the bridge.

Parks and reserves remain closed while the trees are being assessed by contractors.

Extreme danger signs are being put back up at city beaches, and in Ūawa, after the woody debris is again collecting along the coast from waterways.

A council statement encouraged people to follow the Tairāwhiti Civil Defence Facebook page for all weather updates.

For all up-to-date information on local roads see Council’s websitehttps://www.gdc.govt.nz/services/roads-and-roadsides/road-information

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