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Public service cuts short-sighted, cruel

1 min read

I’m really worried about our health system collapsing due to short-sightedness. It can’t run effectively and keep those with chronic conditions alive if the staff and money are sucked out of it. Reducing public service staff all over Aotearoa will not provide that, and I believe our Government’s short-sighted cruelty will cost lives. 

If the purpose is privatised services, we need to consider that will cost us all more as private providers expect to make profits and pay their shareholders dividends. All of that extra money and cost will not be spent on public services. 

This is what happened over the last National-Act government, but when Labour increased the public services they were accused of having a bloated public service. Yet services are able to be provided cheaper if there is direct provision. Six years wasn’t enough to fix it, though, and it won’t be next time either after the public service vandals have gutted and privatised what they can. 

The same applies in all other areas of government, eg housing, police, welfare, border control, roading, justice, etc. Again. 

Mary-Ann de Kort 


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Iain Boyle
24 July 2024
Lol, the Ardern-Hipkins govt were nothing if not cruel & short-sighted – of which we are all paying for now, whether it be excess deaths, excess prices or wrecked public services.

Cruel by forcing lockdowns
Cruel by closing down the health service
Cruel by shutting out citizens from their country
Cruel by forcing a vaccine on the people
Cruel by creating 2 classes of people
Cruel by forcing people out of careers
Cruel by forcing a gaslit curriculum on our children

Short-sighted by creating a health mega-disaster
Short-sighted by creating a polytech disaster
Short-sighted (& sinister) by attempting to subversively impose race-based politics
Short-sighted (& delusional) by claiming to be the single source of truth – never before in NZ history has such a chilling & sinister claim been made by an elected official

As to your perceived concern, Health NZ is simply bleeding money – a legacy of Ardern/Hipkins. Put in place was no accountability, no targets, no oversight of financial performance, simply no idea.

For back office health workers, work is mostly a social outing – I witnessed this first-hand yesterday. There is the excess baggage for the govt to trim.

If you truly want cruel & short-sighted, it is the reckless manner with which socialists squander other people’s money with blatant disregard. To this you can add Ardern & Hipkins' penchant for excessive gaslighting.

Btw, you do realise this govt is spending more in this budget year than Labour did in the previous, which makes a mockery of your claims (aka socialist gaslighting) - one just hopes this time it is being spent more wisely.

Footnote from Ed: Re excess deaths comment - as published in the Lancet on March 11, 2024 - New Zealand was one of seven countries (among more than 200) where the all-age excess mortality rate was negative across 2020 and 2021 combined, the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic. This was over a period when global life expectancy declined by 1.6 years.


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