© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Cameras installed at skate park: ‘Remember, we’re watching!’

1 min read

The Gisborne Crime Prevention Camera Trust network has expanded to cover Alfred Cox Skate Park.

Tairāwhiti Adventure Trust posted an update about the installation of the three CCTV cameras through social media last week.

“If any incidents occur, we can check the footage. Remember, we’re watching!” the post read.

The volunteer-run Gisborne Crime Prevention Camera Trust operates the cameras from Gisborne Police station and aims to detect and prevent crime and other incidents.

The Tairāwhiti Adventure Trust post also noted that the gate to the vertical ramp would remain in place, but no longer be locked, and urged people to use the ramp responsibly.

The gate was temporarily locked in July after issues with vandalism, which included damage to the ramp’s gate.

“However, if it’s vandalised again, it will be removed completely. Skaters, it’s up to you to be aware of the risks,” the post read.

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