© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Haven for native taonga species

2 min read

The Waiapu River is recognised as one of the North Island’s largest braided rivers, and is of great cultural and spiritual significance to Ngāti Porou.

At approximately 130 kilometres long it winds through Ngāti Porou whenua where it passes by Ruatōrea and Tikitiki on its way to the Pacific Ocean by Rangitukia.

Only 2 percent of New Zealand’s braided rivers are in the North Island so the Waiapu is a bit of a celebrity and well-known one.

Braided rivers are a rare ecosystem with an ever-changing habitat that many native fish, birds and invertebrate species rely on to survive.

Gisborne District Council’s environmental scientist Olive Steven says braided rivers have a high sediment load entering them, characterised by their wide gravel beds with multiple flowing channels  that “braid” together.

“Braided rivers are used by many  of our native taonga species including tōrea (variable oystercatchers) tarāpunga  (black-billed gulls), tūturiwhatu  (dotterels), tuna  (eels), panoko  (torrentfish) and  kokapuru  (bullies).

“These rivers are also used by people to swim and reconnect back to nature, and gravel is extracted from these rivers to build our roads.”

Ms Steven says three different dotterel species rely on our rivers to survive.

“These include the banded dotterel, black-fronted dotterel and the northern New Zealand dotterel.

“The dotterel species is one of the only birds that will fake a broken wing to lure predators away from their nests.”

Ms Steven says the dotterel nesting season for Tairāwhiti starts on August 31 and continues until mid-February.

To protect these rare native birds, she says you and your whānau can do the following:

1. Keep your vehicles off the riverbed during this time to prevent disturbance and damage to nests.

2. When using the rivers over this period, try to keep to the main access track and avoid trampling across the riverbed. A dotterel can spot a person from 100-150m away.

3. If you see a dotterel running with a low body posture or broken wing act, it is trying to deter predators or disturbance to chicks or eggs. Exit the way you entered and give the dotterel space to protect its young.

4. If the bird flies off, it is unlikely it has a nest.

“Tell your whānau about these cool birds and let them know what they can do to protect them over their nesting period,” Ms Steven said

To find out more about this important river visit the Ngāti Porou website ngatiporou.com/article/waiapu-river-restoration-0

■ Gisborne District Council highlighted the Waiapu River to mark World Rivers Day on Sunday, September 24.

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