© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Safer roads for horse riders and cyclists

1 min read

Calling riders, walkers and cyclists concerned about their safety on the roads: Ūawa Horse Sports Club invites concerned road users to take part in their Worldwide Vulnerable Road Users event on Saturday. 

“We will be horseback riding, walking and cycling from the Ūawa Domain to Tolaga Bay Wharf to support the Pass Wide and Slow NZ campaign aiming to raise awareness about our vulnerability on the road and advocate for improved status in transport legislation,” club vice-president Jahnike Whakataka said. 

The New Zealand Equestrian Advocacy Network (NZEAN), with the support of New Zealand Riding for the Disabled, Equestrian Sports New Zealand, the New Zealand Pony Club Association and Te Hapori Hōiho — National Māori Horse Association Aotearoa Trust, along with 25 other equestrian organisations, is asking the Government to formally recognise the vulnerability of horse riders in transport legislation. 

The aim is to have horse riders be formally recognised as vulnerable road users (VRUs) in New Zealand’s Land Transport legislation and educate drivers to improve road safety. 

Horse riders are considered “other road users” and the lack of clarity, detail and meaningful safety initiatives that comes with that label puts horse riders in an extremely vulnerable position, says Julia McLean of NZEAN. 

Whakataka says the Pass Wide and Slow campaign is also about promoting appropriate behaviour from drivers when they see a horse and rider on the road. 

Saturday’s event starts at 11am and features a barbecue lunch at Tolaga Bay Wharf before returning to Ūawa Domain. 

Children must wear helmets but all participants are encouraged to wear helmets and high-vis vests. 

Those who see the riders on the road are asked to “pass wide and slow” and sign the vulnerable road users petition.

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